Blogging Does Not Mean Coding – Learn Some Basic Blogger HTML Codes |
most of the web-publishing platforms come embedded with formatting
tools to make your post look like the way you want it to be. Formatting
has become very easy with such types of platforms. A lay man need not
know about various HTML tags that were used in the earlier days. But
knowing them can add an extra effect in your content. It may also fasten
up your working speed. Learning basic HTML codes can
provide you leverage in your web writing. Blogger HTML codes can come
very handy at times, when publishing platforms do not produce desired
What are HTML tags?
a very simple language, a tag is a simple code that web designers put
on their site to tell the browsers on how to display what those tags
contain. They are used as angled brackets (<>) in codes.
have a start (<…>) which commands the browser to start execution
and an end (</….>). A ‘/ ‘ before the tag represents its end. So
basically they are represented as <> </>. Some of the common
HTML tags are shown below. But depending on your web-publishing
platform and CSS template, these tags may take different appearances.
A. Basic Formatting Tags
- bold
- strong (usually bold)
- underlined
- italics
- emphasis (usually italics)
strike throughThis centers text on the page - teletype text (typewriter text)
blockquotes (depends on CSS template)
B. Link tags
- Basic Link: link title> (where ‘url’ is the page to be linked to and ‘link title’ is the words that you want the link to say.
- Email Link: (where ‘EMAIL’ is the email address you want to link).
C. Heading Tags
Heading tags may vary according to CSS.
An bigger heading
A slightly less bigger heading than h1
A less bigger heading than h2
Similarly it goes up to h6 where it displays the smallest heading.
D. Span Tags
Font tags were formerly used for span tags. Here is a list of sites that can help you out with span tags.
E. Image Tags
- Basic Image tag:
(where url = the url of the desired image you want to show)
- Image sizing:
- Image alignment:
(substitute ‘left’ with ‘right’ to align it right).
- Alt Tags:
(an alt tag is a short description which shows up when the mouse is hovered over the image area when it doesn’t load in the browser.
- Image as a link:
(where ‘link url’ is the URL of the page you want the image to link to and ‘url’ is the image location).
- Image with border:
(the larger the number in the border “”, the thicker the border).
- Space around Image:
(hspace is the horizontal space and vspace is the vertical space. The numbers are the amount of pixels surrounding the image)
F. Unordered lists (Bullets, squared and different types can be shown)
G. Ordered Lists (usually numbered lists)
You can find a complete HTML tutorial along with CSS in